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Hi I'm Ashlyn!

I first discovered SFX makeup when I wanted to go as an animal attack victim to a Halloween party. I didn't want to go as a typical Halloween character. I used a face mask gel that dried clear, as it kind of resembled skin and a $2 tube of fake blood; which looking back now didn't really work at all! But I was hooked... 


For the next few years, the only thing on my mind was more makeup products. Being able to see my SFX collection grow, I could try new ideas as well as boost my confidence.


Fast forward and add in a Diploma of Makeup Artistry from the Australian Academy of Cinematic Makeup, this gave me an understanding of how new, good quality special effects cosmetics inches you closer to professionalism whilst making you realise how bad that $2 tube of blood was!

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Now that I knew what I was doing, I began to get frustrated that good quality, safe SFX makeup, prosthetics and accessories were hard to come by, not to mention expensive! I decided that the best way to let others share in my passion was to offer the very best products at competitive prices.

That's when MashSFX was born!

What I love about special effects is that it's not defined into a single category as some people may think. Not all SFX means horror or blood and gore. There as so many products available that create the illusion of real life injuries, skin conditions, ageing, and even products that can alter a person’s appearance entirely; e.g. contact lenses, facial hair, tattoos and teeth. Or better still, bring to life aliens, monsters, mythical beings and all of your weird and wonderful ideas, through prosthetics and face paint. The ability to change your appearance to be anything at all, through special effects based makeup, is ever so rewarding.

Makeup Artistry is one of the most diverse and ingenious careers as it is ultimately limitless to what you can create. The world of Special Effects Makeup allows the artist, to go beyond the beauty standards norms, to design anything they can imagine, whilst using the body as a canvas. This is why I truly love all things SFX, it's allowance of freedom and its rewarding nature.

I hope you love shopping with MashSFX as much as I love bringing it to you.

Ash xx

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